One morning Gregor Samsa awakes to find himself changed. To those around him he is dangerous, untouchable vermin. Worse than that, he is a burden.
A word said, an action out of place, the opening of old wounds, none of which can be undone. Until now Gregor has woken every morning, quietly left to take the same train, and worked to pay off the family debt. But that world explodes on this morning of brutal metamorphosis.
In their first commission since 2019, Frantic Assembly and Lemn Sissay O.B.E. collaborate on this thrilling new adaptation of Metamorphosis. Combining the fluidity and lyricism of Lemn Sissay’s adaptation and Frantic’s uncompromising physicality, this promises to be an unmissable retelling of Franz Kafka’s shocking tale of cruelty and kindness; a visceral and vital depiction of humans struggling within a system that crushes them under its heel.
Commissioned and Produced by Frantic Assembly, in a co-production with Theatre Royal Plymouth, Curve, MAST Mayflower Studios and Lyric Hammersmith Theatre.
Age guidance: 14+
Show Warnings: Strobe lighting, flashing lights, haze, strong language, loud noise/ music, and depiction of violent acts.
Running Time: Approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes (including a 20-minute interval)
Frantic Assembly and Education
Frantic Assembly is studied as part of the GCSE curriculum and we are pleased to be supporting student learning through these performances.
£20 Under 16s
£20 16-26 yrs and/or Students (with a free 16-26 & Student Membership), and Curve Connect
£20 Under 18s School Groups
£2 off Groups 10+
£4 off Groups 20+
15% off for Members
241 Tickets for Friends and Supporters on Wed 20 Sep 7.30pm
Captioned: Thu 21 Sep, 7.30pm
Captioner: Stagetext – Sarah Easton
British Sign Language (BSL) Interpreted: Fri 22 Sep, 7.30pm
Audio Described: Sat 23 Sep, 7.30pm
For more information about our Access Performances, please click here.
*Discounts are subject to availability and may be removed at any time. Only valid on certain performances - terms and conditions apply.
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Cast & Creative
![Troy Glasgow Headshot[60]](
Troy Glasgow
![Joe Layton[88]](
Joe Layton
![Louise Mai Newberry (1)[93]](
Louise Mai Newberry
![Felipe Pacheco[19]](
Felipe Pacheco
![Hannah Sinclair Robinson Headshot[69]](
Hannah Sinclair Robinson