Mandeep's first week at Curve

Meet Mandeep Glover, our Resident Assistant Director. We caught up with her after her first week on the job!
Why did you want to work at Curve?
I’m from Leicestershire so Leicester has always been close to my heart. What I really love about the city is its brilliant diversity. There’s a great atmosphere and Curve promotes this perfectly, not just in its shows but with the people who are part of the organisation too. I recently completed my Masters which focused on diversity in the arts so this opportunity was ideal for me!
What will you be doing day to day at Curve?
I’ll be working closely with Artistic Director Nikolai Foster which is a huge honour. For a start I’m assisting with Curve’s new production of An Officer and a Gentleman – the Musical but I’m also getting stuck into Curve and De Montfort University’s co-production of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and this Summer’s Community show, Fiddler on the Roof. I’m really excited for Fiddler because I love that we’ll be engaging with local people from absolutely all backgrounds and bringing everyone together as a team in the theatre.
What made you choose theatre as a career?
When I was younger I never really considered that I could actually work in a theatre and always thought I’d be a doctor or a lawyer! Then I started to do Drama at school and loved it and saw all of these exciting career options open up that I was really excited about. I started out wanting to be an actor but the more I got into it the more I loved the creative side of putting a show together, so here I am!
What does this position mean to you and what will you learn?
I’m going to learn everything – literally! Even after a few days it’s clear I’ve got so much to learn here and I’m just going to take every single bit of it working with these amazing teams.
This opportunity means the world to me and I would never have been able to do this alone without the support of the Weston Jerwood Creative Bursaries programme. I feel so fortunate to have come out of uni into a full time job that I’m passionate about. When I got the call to say I had the job I just screamed! It’s amazing and I feel so, so lucky.