Thu 23 Oct 2014

Leicester’s Curve theatre has announced it is working in association with the National Theatre for the second year running to deliver a playwriting programme and competition for 15 – 19 year olds.

New Views offers the opportunity for a new generation of playwrights to capture the feelings and write about issues which are important to them, exploring key contemporary questions and dilemmas.

In partnership with Curve, up to 10 young writers from Leicester and Leicestershire will receive eight intensive master-classes from some of the best writers in the UK, together with theatre trips and one on one support to create their own short play.

The plays created by young, local writers will be showcased at Curve as part of its Inside Out Festival in Spring 2015. In addition, all the plays written will be entered into a nationwide competition to be professionally staged at the National Theatre in London.

Jane Ball, Secondary & FE Programme Manager at the National Theatre commented:

“We are thrilled to be working in partnership with Curve for a second year, extending the reach of the New Views programme and competition.  Leicester is a city with both great cultural heritage and diversity, and we’re excited to be working with the city’s major theatre to recruit a group of local young writers to join us for the project.”

Suba Das, Curve’s Associate Director who is coordinating the programme added:

“After a brilliant first year of the scheme which saw young local playwright Ryan Pearson have his first ever play, Collison, performed at the National Theatre, we’re delighted to be running the New Views training programme for a second year. We’re looking for talented young people from all over the region to take part free training programme – and we can’t wait to see the stories the young people across our city and county want to share with us.”

To apply, young playwrights should email providing name, age, and a maximum of 200 words on “Why They Want To Write Plays” by Sunday 2 November.

Weekly sessions will then take place on Saturdays between 12 – 2pm from 8 November – 6 December and 17 – 31 January 2015 at Curve.

Click here for more information.