Contact Us
Thank you for visiting curveonline.co.uk
We welcome your questions and comments, please check the FAQs section to see if the answer to your query is already provided.
However, if you’ve not been able to find the answer to your question, give us a call or drop us an email.
Curve Theatre
Rutland Street
General Enquiries 0116 242 3560
Ticket Office 0116 242 3595
Ticket Enquiries:
In person enquiries:
Monday to Saturday, 10am – 8pm (6pm on non-show days)
Sunday – CLOSED
Telephone enquiries:
Monday to Saturday, 12pm – 8pm (6pm on non-show days)
Sunday – CLOSED
Careers at Curve Enquiries:
Events Enquiries:
Media Enquiries:
If you have any questions regarding your booking with us please email tickets@curvetheatre.co.uk
For any other queries or comments that you would like to get in touch with us about please email contactus@curvetheatre.co.uk
Lost Property
Subject Access Request Form
Under the General Data Protection Regulations (2016), you have the right to inquire of any organisation whether they hold your personal data and to see a copy of that information. If you wish to access your data please complete this form. You will need to provide evidence of identity to enable the processing to start. Your request will be processed within 30 days of receipt of a fully completed form and receipt of all relevant information we require. If the information contains details of another person we may need to seek their consent before we can provide that information to you.
Please note that you may make a request for your data without completing this form; this must be in writing. If you do not use the form please provide all of the information requested below as this is needed to process your request and missing information could result in a delay to the start of that process.