Keep Fit With Theatre!

Tue 7 Apr 2020

While we’re all stuck inside and missing our theatre fix, it’s important to remember to stay active for the benefit of our mental and physical health. With many now unable to attend dance classes or access gyms – dancers, performers, and theatre makers are turning to social media to share tutorials and workouts, and so, we’d like to share with you some fantastic videos and opportunities from our associates and affiliates to keep you moving!


Over 55s Dance Classes with Moving Together

Moving Together provides high quality dance classes for people of all ages and abilities and runs weekly Over 55s Dance Classes at Curve. The team have moved classes online so you can stay connected and active. Classes are held on Zoom and if you would like to join in, you can contact them via their Facebook page.

Dance For All with Sidekick Dance

Sidekick Dance is a Curve affiliate company which offers brilliant dance classes for participants with disabilities and runs weekly youth and adult sessions at Curve. The team at Sidekick have been sharing videos for you to follow online, from calming yoga sessions to energetic dance routines. Find the virtual classes on their Facebook page.

Bollywood Dancing with Nupur Arts

Nupur Arts, a Curve affiliate group, is sharing Bollywood dance tutorials for beginners across their social media channels. If you want to really get involved, dance teachers are also hosting live online sessions via Zoom – contact for more information and to sign-up.

Find them on Facebook here.

Learn Hit Musical Theatre Routines with Magnetic Movement

Led by performers Alex Blake (Baby John in our recent production of West Side Story) and Lindsay Atherton, Magnetic Movement brings you Dance – Isolation Motivation to keep you energised and lift your spirits. They have been offering musical theatre dance classes, teaching choreographed routines to songs such as Get Down from Six the Musical and Good Morning from Singin’ in the Rain, through Facebook and Instagram live. Classes are taught by Alex, Lindsay and a team of 30 leading theatre performers and choreographers across the UK – including Drew McOnie, Maggie Patterson, Stuart Winter and more.


With something for all ages and abilities, we hope these classes and tutorials will keep you moving, learning some new skills and having fun!


Title image: Bollywood Jane in rehearsal, photography by Matthew Cawrey.