PlayShuffle is an open mic night for new writing, designed to lift plays off the page so they can stand on their own two feet. We provide the Dutch courage so actors can stretch their sight-reading muscles; producers and directors test their ability to sniff out potential and playwrights hear their work for the first time.
Please make sure you read the how it works guide, including the getting involved section.
Writers: Bring a scene of a play that you’d like to test/hear aloud – perhaps it’s a crucial scene, perhaps it’s the roughest section that needs to be heard or a few pages of dialogue on which you’re really stuck. Readings must be no longer than 7 minutes long and you must bring enough copies of your scene to be read by the required number of actors, plus one copy for the facilitator of the night. Printing will not be available. Readings will be scheduled on a first-come (on the day), first-served order, so please check in on arrival.
Actors: You simply have to turn up, put your name down with the facilitator and you’ll be called up to read the scenes as you are required. Again, this is on a first-come (on the day), first-served order, so please check in on arrival.
Directors, Producers, Companies: Come primed to spot the next big thing; hand out business cards and contact details.
PlayShuffle casts on a first come, first served basis. It’s not about casting the ultimate production of your play, rather an opportunity for you to hear your work read. The casting might – coincidentally – be bang on, or it might be completely wrong but we can guarantee you’ll learn something about your voice, about your work or about your scene as a result.
Book a FREE ticket and then email with your name, discipline and…
If you’re a writer: the title of the play, the casting breakdown (e.g. 1M/1F or 3M)
If you’re an actor: your playing gender.
If you’re a director, producer or company: you just need to book a ticket!
Running time: 2 hours with no interval.
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FREE but places must be booked.
*Discounts are subject to availability and may be removed at any time. Only valid on certain performances - terms and conditions apply.